Along with the Zam Zam volunteers, the newest addition to our team, Texas A&M University students joined us on this momentous trip to Rwanda. We are honored to welcome Kathryn, Monica, Erica, and Naveen and the Texas A&M Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department-Water Energy Food Nexus Initiative. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Rabi Mohtar and Mary Schweitzer. Zam Zam has partnered with Texas A&M in an effort to conduct research and help design a more efficient and sustainable irrigation/filtration system in Rwanda.
Top left: Kathryn Bickley, Monica Zuniga, Erica Ryan, & Naveen Memon
Through the research they have conducted, we will have more information and alternative solutions to maintain an irrigation and potable water system for our school and community gardens located in the villages we serve in Bugesera, Rwanda. The project is ongoing as they continue to compile their research, the projected outcomes will be as follows:
Project Deliverables
Design and produce schematics for a potable water system and irrigation system for a small crop field
Develop a plan for irrigation maintenance and timing of crop field
Develop a plan for maintenance of the potable water system
It was our absolute pleasure to have Texas A&M a part of this journey, Kathryn, Monica, Erica, and Naveen are great assets to our team. We are grateful to be able to benefit from their knowledge and expertise. Their presence enriched our experience in Rwanda. We look forward to our future projects with the Aggies and to see the impact they will have on the villages in Rwanda. Without a doubt, they have already made an impact on our team and the people of Rwanda.
Thank you Aggies, Gig’em!